Way of the Cross - II. Jesus Receives His Cross

Most willingly Jesus accepts and patiently bears His Cross for my sake. Will I refuse to bear my cross for His sake? No, my loving Redeemer, I will no longer seek to evade my cross, but with the Help of Thy Grace I will bear it with Christian patience and resignation and follow Thee always.

Leader:  We sat there at table that evening each feeling the burden of the day. School was hard... things at home didn't go well... and nothing went right at home. We were all edgy. No sooner had the meal begun than we started our disagreement... our quarreling.


Response:  My Jesus, Lord, I take my daily cross. I welcome the monotony that often marks the day, discomforts of all kinds, the summer's heat, the winter's cold, my disappointments, tensions, setbacks, cares. Remind me often that in carrying my cross, I carry yours with you. And though I bear a sliver only of your cross, you carry all of mine, except for a sliver, in return.


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