Outreach Ministries


St. Vincent de Paul
St. Vincent de Paul is an organization dedicated to helping those in our area who are in need. The society is funded through personal donations made through the envelope system. Monetary donations can be made at the collection box, located on the back wall of the church by the Usher chairs. Meets the 1st and 3rd Monday of the month, 6:00 P.M., Joseph Room. A small collection building behind the church is available for donations of clothing and nonperishable items.lfd16mb174bdtgz04k2jsi3q9vl.jpg

Contact: SVDP, (812) 425-3485

Newburgh Area Food Pantry
Parishioners and other area churches/organizations donate food and help stock shelves at the Food Pantry located on St. John the Baptist Campus – M, W, F, 9:00 A.M. - 11:30 A.M. and from 4:30 P.M. - 6:00 P.M. the last Thursday of the month. 

Contact: Linda Gray/Leslie Grimm, (812) 518-1563

Soup Kitchen
St. John the Baptist Parish helps sponsor a Soup Kitchen, located at St. Paul's Episcopal Church in Evansville (301 Southeast 1st Street). The soup kitchen is open from 12:00-1:30 p.m. every Saturday. St. John the Baptist Parish volunteers work at the soup kitchen the first Saturday of every month. Odd months (January, March, May, July, September, November) are sponsored by St. John the Baptist's St. Vincent dePaul ministry...and even months are sponsored by St. John the Baptist Parish Sharing Fund.   

Knights of Columbus
To be part of the Knights of Columbus gives any Catholic man the opportunity to be of service to St. John the Baptist Parish, to the Diocese of Evansville and to many opportunities of a National level. Meetings are held the 1st Tuesday of the month in the Ruth & Naomi Room. The annual Trivia Night is a major event of the Knights of Columbus at St. John Parish and Lenten Fish Fry is co-sponsored with the St. John Men’s Club. For more information on how to become a Knights of Columbus.

Contact: (812) 490-1000

Nursing Home Visitation to Senior Friends
Individuals take Communion and extend care and friendship to parishioners/families of parishioners who have extended stays in nursing homes or are homebound.

Contact: Parish Office, (812) 490-1000

Mother Teresa Treasures
A thrift store operated by St. John Parish offering a wide variety of household items including dishes, pots and pans, blankets and linens, clothing and shoes for every age, toys, books, and seasonal items. Staffed by parish volunteers. In existence to pay for utilities and maintenance of the Food Pantry operation. Hours of operation: Monday, Wednesday & Friday, 10 A.M. - 4 P.M. and Saturday, 10 A.M. - 2 P.M. Drop offs only during store hours.

Contact: Store, (812) 490-4040

Respect for Life
Directs activities aimed at restoring and strengthening respect for human life. Concerns include not only the unborn, but also the aged, the poor and the handicapped.

Medical Equipment Closet
St. John the Baptist maintains a closet containing wheelchairs, walkers, and other items in good condition for the community to borrow on a temporary basis. Contact the Parish Office to donate items or if you are in need.

CAJE (Congregations Acting for Justice & Empowerment) encourages the community not only to minister to the immediate needs of individuals, but also to address the root causes as to why people are in need. The ministry works on issues such as creating affordable housing, increasing literacy rates, and improving access to health care. Working together with other area congregations, the ministry creates a stronger voice of advocacy for the poor.
Contact: Donna Hurm, (812) 459-9654

Backpack Program
Through donations from parishioners and the community, St. John the Baptist provides weekend food to food insecure students in 5 local schools. Volunteers sort, pack and distribute over 150 blue bags of nutritional, shelf-stable food each week during the school year. Contact Summer Wright to get involved, (812) 490-1000

Haiti Mission
Grand Bassin is our adopted Haiti parish. Sponsors for children’s schooling ($200/yr.) are needed. Semi-annual collections are sent to our sister parish, Our Lady of Lourdes

Contact: Parish Office, (812) 490-1000