Parish Facilities & Resources
Located in the center of the property with parking on all sides. Entrance to the church property is one way. Please use the entrance off Frame Road closest to Highway 662. Handicapped accessible.The first floor houses a chapel, nursery, Elizabeth and Zachary meeting rooms. The parish library is in the Zachary room on the north end. A phone is in the Elizabeth Room for emergency use. The lower level hosts a kitchen, Joseph, Mary, Ruth and Naomi meeting rooms.
Priests' Residence
Located just south of the church. The phone number is (812) 490-1000.
Parish Office
Address is 625 Frame Road. The gray building faces Frame Road and is on the left as you enter the main drive to church. Business hours are 8:00 A.M. - 4:00 P.M. The Business, Spiritual Formation and Religious Education Offices are all located here. The phone number is (812) 490-1000.
St. John the Baptist Elementary School
Located at 725 Frame Road just north of the church. Business hours are 7:00 A.M. - 3:00 P.M. Entrance is one way. Please use the main drive to church. The phone number is (812) 490-2000. Facilities located at the school are:
The Center
Name given to the school cafeteria. It is used for athletic events, school lunches, receptions and special events. Entrance to the Center is on the east side of the school.
The Ziliak Arena
Name given to the school gymnasium. It is used for athletic events, receptions and special events. Entrance to the Arena is on the east side of the school.
The Loft
The space above the concession and restroom area (between The Center and The Arena) used for wrestling and fitness
St. John the Baptist Preschool & Child Care
Located at the north boundary of our campus, just north of the school. The phone number is (812) 490-2000.
Storage Building
Located northeast of the school. It houses the "stuff" of the parish and its many organizations.
Newburgh Area Food Pantry
Ecumenical in nature, is located at the south end of the campus, along Newburgh road (Highway 662). Welfare, disability, food stamps and/or income level are used to qualify for service. Recipients served are primarily from the Newburgh and Yankeetown areas.
Mother Teresa Treasures
A thrift store, is located in the same building as the Newburgh Area Food Pantry. Operated by St. John the Baptist Parish. It exists to defray the cost of operating the Food Pantry and to serve people's needs. The phone number is (812) 490-4040.
Scout Building
Home to Boy Scout Troop 330, is located off campus on Outer Gray Street in Newburgh.
St. Maria Goretti Youth Ministry Center
Located at 700 Frame Road, across the street from St. John the Baptist School. Home to the Youth and Young Adult Ministry, though the 608 and Overflow Youth Groups meet in the Lower Level of church.
St. John the Baptist Mausoleum
Located off campus at 5088 Bell Road.
St. John the Baptist Cemetery
Adjoins Rose Hill Cemetery - located off campus at 4911 S. Old State Rd 261.
Voice Mail System
The parish Voice Mail System enables you to leave a message twenty-four hours a day for any staff member. The system works as follows:
During business hours Monday through Friday, 8 A.M. - 4:00 P.M., all calls and inquiries are handled personally by the receptionist in the parish office. There are PRIVATE extension numbers for the pastor and staff members. When you are greeted by the Voice Mail System, a directory of extension numbers for the pastor and parish staff members will be given to you. If you know your party's extension, you may simply press the extension number of the person you want to speak with immediately, or listen to the option of extensions and choose the one you need. Listed on the greeting from the Voice Mail System is the weekend Mass schedule. If there are any parish functions, they also will be listed on this extension.
Parish Bulletin
Bulletin articles must be in the parish office no later than noon on the Monday prior to the weekend of publication. Please make every attempt to e-mail or print the article. Due to holidays, etc., it is sometimes necessary to change the preparation date. Articles should be kept brief. Some editing may be necessary. Articles may be repeated two or three times prior to the occasion being announced. Articles not related to parish activities appear only when there is remaining space.
Contact: Janice Jillson, (812) 490-1000
Narthex Displays
Any display in the Church Narthex must be scheduled through the parish office.
Contact: Parish Office, (812) 490-1000